Sunday, May 21, 2017


        For years now I have written things here and there. It may have been small amounts or full blog entries but there is something cathartic about writing.  There will be no rhyme or rhythm to the updates but I will try 1-2 entries weekly for my starting goal.
       Why now is the question. Previously it has been blogging for family updates and to keep in touch. Most recent was the struggle of miscarriages and journey through infertility to our now family of 5. This time is for accountability.  I am not happy with my current health or weight.  I have gone the route of Facebook challenges even did WW again.  I had some success in those realms, but I need to have personal accountability. Bigger than my mind set I want to be healthy for my kids and family.  I never thought of my self as a unhealthy person because I was not over weight. Health goes beyond that. Plus I would now say that I am overweight. I need a mind reset and have a better understanding of what healthy living really is.. Focus is lack luster.  Each day comes with an excuse, my kids have fill in the blank, I don't have time because fill in the blank. At the end of the day I would be ashamed because there I was another day wasted thinking why did I do that. I read so many encouraging stories of success and thought why not me (get it now) Why not me? The excuses stop today. My kids deserve a healthy mom and I want to give that to them. I want to be completely transparent I want this change more than I want it for my kids. That mindset of I have to change and I want to change has to  happen before any permanent  change will occur. Many people say do it for family or do it for blah blah...DO IT FOR YOU! You will only set yourself up for failure if you are not truly ready for change.
                                                      Gracie, Kade & Cooper (family of 5 blog)
                                                      They are part of my Why!
     Along the way I will have other people joining my blog because let's be real I don't get paid to blog. I plan to drop recipes in sometimes and a pictorial journey along the way. Some people may post a few products. I in no way endorse any certain item. Currently do not take or follow any certain product. Leave any info you wold like for others to see but DO NOT go on a sales pitch. Day 1 starts tomorrow. Get up 5 mins earlier walk outside and stretch.Be thankful you have another day to make changes.  Add an extra glass of water to your menu. Park farthest away from the door. I am doing a water challenge. Share your goals here.  Next up will be measuring day and goal shout out day.

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